Book Beginnings & The Friday 56: The Summer That Never Was by Peter Robinson

Every Friday Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Gillion at Rose City Reader where you can share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading. You can also share from a book you want to highlight just because it caught your fancy.

One of the books I’m currently reading is The Summer That Never Was by Peter Robinson, the 13th Inspector Banks book, following on from Aftermath. I am really enjoying it, so far, which is a relief as I really disliked Aftermath.

My Book Beginning:

Trevor Dickinson was hung over and bad-tempered when he turned up for work on Monday morning

Also every Friday there is The Friday 56, hosted by Freda at Freda’s Voice, where you grab a book and turn to page 56 (or 56% of an eBook), find one or more interesting sentences (no spoilers), and post them.

Page 56:

‘Did he have many friends?’

‘He made quite a few around here,’ Joan answered. She looked at her mother. ‘Who was there Mum?’

‘Let me remember. There was the Banks lad, of course, they were very close, and David Grenfell and Paul Major. And Steven Hill.’


A skeleton has been unearthed. Soon the body is identified, and the horrific discovery hits the headlines.

Fourteen-year-old Graham Marshall went missing during his paper round in 1965. The police found no trace of him. His disappearance left his family shattered, and his best friend, Alan Banks, full of guilt.

That friend has now become Detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks, and he is determined to bring justice for Graham. But he soon realizes that in this case, the boundary between victim and perpetrator, between law-guardian and law-breaker, is becoming more and more blurred.

What do you think, does it appeal to you? What are you currently reading?

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