Seen in the Back Field

I looked up from the computer the other morning and spotted a hare in the field behind our house. Then another one ran up and they both bounded off. I  grabbed my camera and was only just quick enough to get a photo of this one as it was running out of sight.

8 thoughts on “Seen in the Back Field

  1. I enjoy looking out of my windows when I am writing, too. I have quite a zoo outside: groundhogs (when not hibernating!), chipmunks, rabbits, squirrels and many kinds of birds. Sometimes my red tailed hawk sits on top of the trellis — and then the others stay away! It’s so wonderful to be part of the outdoor community! 😉


  2. Since we live in the country, we have rabbits too along with other animals, some desirable, some not so much. 🙂 You were quick to get a picture of your hare.


  3. Hi Margaret,

    That hare looks seriously large, from your picture. We have seen them around our way, but only very occasionally. We mostly spend all our time dodging rabbits, when driving the countryside roads to get home. I just can’t work out why, when there are so many fields and hedgerows to choose from, they always insist on playing with the traffic on the smallest piece of grass verge they can find?


  4. Great shot 😀

    I saw a red squirrel cross the road in front of me on the way home from work yesterday. Fortunately it escaped though it was rush hour. Squirrels are fairly rare in Denmark, much rarer than hares, at least in our region.


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