Calendar of Crime Challenge 2019

I read a lot of crime fiction so it seems only right to take part in this new challenge for 2019 devised and hosted by Bev at My Reader’s Block. This is a reading challenge that allows mystery readers to include any mystery regardless of publication date. If it falls in a mystery category (crime fiction/detective novel/police procedural/suspense/thriller/spy & espionage/hard-boiled/cozy etc.), then it counts and it does not matter if it was published in 1892 or 2019.

The Challenge runs from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. All books should be read during this time period and you can sign up on Bev’s blog at any time between now and November 1, 2019.

I have summarised the rules below – for all the details see Bev’s sign up post.

  • All books must be mysteries.
  • Twelve books, one representing each month, are required for a completed challenge. Each month comes with several categories (see chart above) that may be selected to fulfil the month’s reading.
  • The “wild card” book is exactly that.
  • For the category that says “Book title contains a word that starts with the letter A,” the following do not count: “A” and “An.”
  • Books may only count for one month and one category, but they may count for other challenges.
  • Books do not have to be read during the month for which they qualify. So–if you’re feeling like a little “Christmas in July” (or May or…), then feel free to read your book for December whenever the mood strikes.

5 thoughts on “Calendar of Crime Challenge 2019

  1. This sounds like a fun challenge, Margaret. And with your varied crime fiction reading, I’m sure you’ll meet it quickly!


  2. I’m glad you gave that explanation because I was struggling to work it out from that spreadsheet! The flexibility is going to be so helpful to you getting to complete this


  3. So tempting! I love Bev’s challenges, but I said NO challenges this year and I’m sticking to it. Look forward to seeing what everyone reads though.


  4. Good to hear you’re joining in with this one. With our addiction to crime fiction I don’t think we’ll have a problem completing it.


  5. Thanks for joining me in the new challenge! Can’t wait to see how folks fulfill the monthly obligations.


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