Historical Fiction Challenge 2013

Historical FictionAt this time of year numerous challenges are being announced and I’m tempted to join them. It’s a bit like making New Year resolutions, full of enthusiasm at first … But there are some challenges that interest me because they fit in with my reading, such as the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge (more about that in another post to come), which I’ve been doing for the last three years. I don’t think of them as ‘challenges’ – they’re really ‘projects’.

As historical fiction is one of my favourite genres and I read a fair amount of it I’ve decided to join the Historical Fiction Challenge for 2013.

This Challenge is being hosted by Historical Tapestry and runs from 1 January to 31 December 2013. There are five different levels of participation to choose from:

20th century reader ‘“ 2 books
Victorian reader ‘“ 5 books
Renaissance Reader ‘“ 10 books
Medieval ‘“ 15 books
Ancient History ‘“ 25+ books

I shall be aiming for the Medieval level (but really hoping to make it to the Ancient History level).

If you’re interested in joining too, see this post at Historical Tapestry.

2 thoughts on “Historical Fiction Challenge 2013

  1. Good luck with the challenge! I’m also stopping by to let you know that I sent you an email about the guest post series. Sometimes they get picked off by the spam filter, so I wanted to give you a heads-up. Thanks!


  2. Margaret – Sounds a great challenge. I like historical fiction myself, so I’ll be looking forward to your reviews and comments about it as you go on.


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