Saturday Snapshot – In the Garden

Autumn is now well set in here. Our garden is well on the way to being covered in leaves. There are still some leaves clinging to the trees like this red maple:

whereas others still have their leaves, like the Japanese Maple shown below.

I was a bit concerned earlier this year that this little tree wouldn’t survive because its leaves were scorched by a late frost soon after the new shoots had opened.

A Saturday Snapshot post, hosted by Alyce, At Home with Books.

21 thoughts on “Saturday Snapshot – In the Garden

  1. Margaret – What lovely ‘photos! There is no real autumn where I live now and I miss it so much. Thanks for a touch of it :-).


  2. It’s a good thing the different trees have different colours, it would be so sad to see our gardens barren immediately. Great shots. Love your little maple.


  3. The leaves on the red maple are such a vibrant color! At least when they do fall, they will add some color to the garden – makes the raking a little more bearable!


  4. Fall colors are so beautiful with the deep reds and bright yellows and reds. Add cooler temperatures and it all makes my favorite season of the year. Out in the country where I live we don’t have to rake leaves. Just wait a little bit and they’ll all blow out to the pasture across the road. 🙂


    1. Hi Marie,
      Autumn and Spring are my favourite seasons of the year, although I do prefer crisp, dry and sunny days … whereas today has been dull, damp and gloomy, although surprisingly mild.


  5. Hi Margaret,

    I love the Japnese Maple trees, they always seem to be clinging onto their colour for as long as possible and give a fantastic display.
    My sister-in-law has a red Acer tree on her patio and that too is a riot of glorious colour at the moment.
    The trees in the lane behind our place, are many and varied, yet all pretty boring at this time of year, concerned as they are, with simply making as much mess and debris as possible.
    The Hazelnut tree has been a hive of activity for the last couple of weeks though, as the squirrels stock up with last minute provisions for the winter months!
    Lovely pictures, as always, thank you for sharing them.


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