Saturday Snapshot

There was a loud bang the other day. I looked around the house but couldn’t find anything that had fallen down to explain the noise. Later I noticed that the front room window was looking rather dusty, and then I realised what the bang had been:

There are lots of wood pigeons and collared doves flying round our garden and it looks as though one had tried to fly through the window. It had certainly left an impression, probably seeing the reflection of trees in the window and thinking it could fly through. Fortunately there was no dead or injured bird anywhere to be seen!  We’d better get some stickers on the window!

See more Saturday Snapshots on Alyce’s blog At Home With Books.

22 thoughts on “Saturday Snapshot

  1. Ouch. Poor bird. I hope it was ok. So far this year no birds hit my window. It’s usually the robins that crash here. A young robin hit my window last year while learning to fly. I took him to the wildlife rehab with the hope that they could save him.


  2. We have so many identical marks on our windows! (And have had, over the years, quite a few bodies underneath the marks.) And ordinary window cleaner doesn’t remove them either, which is very odd, and seems almost spooky!


  3. I’ve never had such a distinct imprint on our window when a bird hit it. I’m glad there wasn’t a matching body underneath that window.


  4. Oh I hate it when that happens! I run outside looking to see if I can help the bird.

    I did learn that if you do find the bird “stunned”, you should put them in a full size paper grocery bag(laying on its side to keep them out of the sun and away from predators until they are able to fly away. (I got that from Wild and Free – a place that takes care of injured wild animals and birds.


  5. You too!

    Fortunately my suicide bomber the other day was only a small sparrow, but I did jump in my seat. It doesn´t happen often, though, as we don´t have huge panorama windows in our old vicarage, but if a bird is small enough, the pane may look differently…


  6. We have large windows on one side of our home and it’s not unusual to hear a bird collide with the glass. It always startles me too – imagine how the bird must feel! Thankfully, all have been ok.


  7. Great shot! Birds wouldn’t have that problem with my windows, LOL. Between finger prints from little people and nose smudges from our cats, my windows never seem clean.


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