Saturday Snapshot – Collared Doves

We were away from home last week and on our return we noticed this pile of sticks behind the satellite dish on the back wall of the house.

We thought it was the beginnings of a nest and the birds had abandoned it – it’s just a pile of sticks. Then yesterday evening as we were sitting on the decking having a barbecue we noticed two collared doves on the roof and one flew down and settled on the nest.

This was the best photo I could get, but Dave’s camera can zoom in closer and this is his photo:

I’m very fond of collared doves, even if their coo – COO – coo call can get very repetitive, so I do hope we get some chicks. We had young collared doves in the garden last year but didn’t see where their nest was.

To participate in Alyce’s Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo (new or old) that you (or a friend or family member) have taken, but make sure it’s not one that you found online.

23 thoughts on “Saturday Snapshot – Collared Doves

  1. It’s not exactly a beautiful work of art, is it – it appears to be functional though and the birds are now taking it in turns to sit on it, so there must be eggs! 🙂


  2. How wonderful! My neighbour has a nesting box which has a blue tit family in residence. I never thought that birds actually took advantage of these things, but from your photo, I imagine the collared doves would consider a nesting box a luxury!


    1. We have a couple of nesting boxes – too small for collared doves and I think they don’t use them. Sadly the boxes are not occupied.


  3. Nice! Your satellite dish provided the perfect nesting shelf. I put up boxes and shelves to encourage them to nest in my yard but so far no birds use them. Now we will get pictures of the chicks when they hatch?


  4. Trish, they’re such attractive birds to look at.
    Rhapsodyinbooks, they’ve gone quiet now, thank goodness.
    Leslie, I’d love to get photos and if I do they’ll be on the blog!


  5. Margaret – Such lovely ‘photos! They are beautiful birds, and I think it’d be terrific if there were some chicks. Nice of you to put your satellite dish there for them to use ;-).


  6. I’m longing for a camera with a good zoom lens so I can get nice close-ups like Dave’s. The dove is beautiful. We love our mourning doves but have never seen their nest. I find their calls comforting.


  7. I love the photo, and I find the coo cooing quite soothing when I’m working in the garden, good shot. Have a great weekend. How’s your Agatha Reading Challenge going. I’m finding it hard to link my progress on the site, what am I doing wrong.


  8. Oh, it’s so gorgeous! Doves are so pretty! We don’t have anything nesting around our house this year. I’m happy about the lack of bird noise, but it is fun to watch the babies grow.


  9. Hi!
    Great snapshots! I love to hear the doves cooing here. They sound so peaceful in the evenings. Have a great day!

    Just Books


  10. How neat! My dog tends to scare off perspective feathered residents–at least he did at the old house–even despite his being an indoor dog. I do love birds though and hope we can attract some here.


  11. Those are lovely. I can see why they would build there – hidden, dry, comfy. Thanks for sharing your birdies, Margaret!


  12. Very nice. I hope you get to see some little ones.

    We have a bird’s nest (Eastern Phoebe) under our overhang on the deck. She’s been sitting on it for a few days.


  13. We have quite a few of these doves in my neighborhood (Mourning Doves, we call them) but as birds go, they are rather stupid—I’ve had to get out of my car on my driveway several times and shoe them away so I don’t run over them. I notice they “freeze” and that appears to be their defense mechanism–they don’t want to move or fly away.


  14. Hi Margaret,

    I love the collared doves, they are almost fragile looking, aren’t they? Lovely pictures considering the well hidden nest.

    We have a bridal track just to rear of our property and at the moment it is full of nesting birds and birds with chicks, so the activity and noise level is amazing.

    There are at least two pairs of collared doves, but on the downside, there are six pairs of nesting pigeons!

    The gentle cooing of the collared doves I can cope with, but you have no idea of the volume that twelve 2 pigeons can achieve with their cooing, at 4am!!!!


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