Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. For the rules see her blog.

The topic this week is Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List. The first two are NetGalley ARCs (advanced reader copies) and the rest are from my 20 Books of Summer 2024 list.

First the NetGalley books:

Death at the Sign of the Rook by Kate Atkinson, her 6th Jackson Brodie book, will be published 22 August 2024. I’ve read the first four books, and somehow missed the fifth. I’m expecting this to be good in which Ex-detective Jackson Brodie is called to a sleepy Yorkshire town, to investigate the theft of stolen art works, and eventually a murder.

Hemlock Bay by Martin Edwards, the 4th Rachel Savernack Mystery, will be published on 12 September 2024.  I’ve enjoyed lots of his books before, including the first two Savernack books.

Then the books from my 20 Books of Summer 2024:

The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker – historical fiction, retelling the story of the Trojan war from the point of view of the women. 

Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith – a psychological thriller about two men whose lives become entangled after one of them proposes they ‘trade’ murders. I haven’t read any of her books but have heard that this is very good.

Killing the Lawyers by Reginald Hill – the 3rd book in the Joe Sixsmith series about a redundant lathe operator turned private eye from Luton. I’ve read several of his Dalzeil and Pascoe books, but this will be my first Joe Sixsmith.

I’ll Never Be Young Again by Daphne du Maurier – her 2nd novel about a young writer in Paris who is obsessed by his love for a young music student.

Unnatural Death by Dorothy L Sayers – the 3rd book in the Lord Peter Wimsey series in which a wealthy old woman died much sooner than the doctor expected. Did she suddenly succumb to illness–or was it murder?

Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney. I’m keen to read this psychological thriller with a killer ending, because I enjoyed two of her other books. Isolated on their private island in Cornwall, the Darker family have come together for the first time in over a decade. But one of the family is a killer . . .

The Lady of Sorrows by Anne Zouroudi, the fourth book featuring the enigmatic and courteous investigator Hermes Diaktoros. He visits a remote island to see an ancient icon famed for its miraculous powers. He gets involved in a case of forgery, betrayal and superstition, and dealing with the consequences of an all-consuming rage.

Where Water Lies by Hilary Tailor. A novel about Eliza and her friendship with Maggie, who she last met twenty years earlier. One day she spots a woman who looks just like her. Eliza has spent half her life wondering what really happened that afternoon, but memories are like ripples on water, and can be deceptive.

6 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

  1. Choosing a mix of books like this is a good plan – there’s bound to be something to appeal to you regardless of what mood you’re in.

    I’ve tried Dorothy L Sayers but wasn’t blown away by her – the book (can’t even remember the title now) felt very old fashioned….

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