Classics Club Spin: Result

The Classics ClubYesterday the Classics Club announced the result of the latest spin – list 20 books from your Classics Club list and the number picked in the spin is the book you read by 7 July 2014. The number came out as number 1.

And for me that is Mansfield Park by Jane Austen.

I’d included this book in my list as a re-read. I thought I’d read this book before many years ago, but I couldn’t remember much (if anything about it) and I haven’t watched any of the TV adaptations. I thought I had a copy, but when I looked for it I couldn’t find one, so I downloaded a copy on Kindle and now I look at it I’m sure I haven’t read it before!! So I’m really looking forward to reading it.

If you’re taking part in the spin this time, which book did you get?

3 thoughts on “Classics Club Spin: Result

  1. I’m glad the spin has given you a book you’re looking forward to. I’ve read Mansfield Park and although it’s not my favourite Austen novel I do like it.


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