Saturday Snapshots: Cats again

Sometimes I think I should call my blog CatsPlease as well as BooksPlease because of the number of cat photos I post. Today’s photos are of a cat called George. He came to live with us when D’s mother moved into an apartment on the third floor. He was quite a character and liked to sit on/in things. He was also quite vocal!

One day out in the garden I heard him miaowing:

He was sitting on top of the compost:

George in the compost heap

It was just the same inside. He liked sitting on tables:

And he especially liked sitting in the laundry basket on top of the clean clothes waiting to be ironed:

For more Saturday Snapshots see Alyce’s blog At Home With Books.

13 thoughts on “Saturday Snapshots: Cats again

  1. Cool pics. Give me cats any day over dogs! Unfortunately we can’t have pets due to our daughter’s allergies, but I always had cats growing up. Thanks for visiting my post earlier.


  2. Margaret – What a handsome fellow! And I love the way cats find such interesting places to make ‘their own.’ Lovely ‘photos!


  3. What a funny cat. I’ve never seen a cat sitting on the compost before, but I guess it would be soft and warm, both things attractive to a cat.


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