Weekend Cooking

I  don’t think I qualify to write a Weekend Cooking post this weekend as my attempts so far have been a bit disastrous. First of all on Friday evening we decided to have an easy meal and bought a Chinese style meal for two from the supermarket. Simples!

But no, when I opened up the egg fried rice this is what happened to my finger, because stupidly I left it in the line of the escaping steam – painful and not a pretty sight! D sprained his ankle and tore a ligament two weeks ago and is still limping about painfully – we’re hoping there won’t be a third accident! 

 Mt second cooking disaster was last night’s meal. I cooked pork in cider, topped with a layer of sliced potatoes. The potatoes hadn’t browned nicely so I put the casserole under the grill and left it too long. Result – a burnt offering of potatoes (I couldn’t bear to take a photo!). Luckily the meat and vegetables underneath were OK. I dread to think what I’ll do for tonight’s meal!

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6 thoughts on “Weekend Cooking

  1. Margaret – Sorry to hear about your kitchen mishaps! I’ve had them, too, and it always seems that they happen at the worst times. I hope your finger heals quickly.


  2. Ouch on the finger. And I would suggest ordering out again tonight, but Friday’s experience shows that even that isn’t safe! Here’s hoping tonight goes well.


  3. Margaret, that finger looks painful and I’m sure your husband’s ankle is sore. Maybe something really simple for supper tonight – soup, scrambled eggs, cereal? LOL


  4. Have you heard the old saying – Third time’s the charm? I’d suggest getting someone else to cook and open packages for you on this third day. By tomorrow the spell will be broken. Your finger really looks painful. Hope you are feeling better now.


  5. It sounds like the two of you have suddenly become accident prone. Maybe you should eat out until this is all over, that is if your husband can limp to a restaurant. Things like this do always seem to happen in bunches, but then you can take comfort in the fact that the only way is up now.


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