Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Wishes

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. For the rules see her blog.

The topic this week is Bookish Wishes. List the top 10 books you’d love to own. In no particular order these are the books on my Amazon Wish List:

29 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Wishes

  1. Unusually for a list like this, I have actually read all of them. They are all great books so I hope that you get around to reading at least some of them quite soon. I think The Prince and the Spy and The Miniaturist would be the two I would recommend the most. But then again……………they are all brilliant.

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  2. This is an absolutely fabulous theme, Margaret! And what a great way to do something about the TBR. I’ve been wanting to read The Go-Between very much (but haven’t!), and there are a few others here I should read, too. There’s never enough time…

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  3. I find it hard sometimes to go read a book after I’ve watched the tv series. That said – if you haven’t finished watching The Queen’s Gambit yet, it’s so good and worth watching the rest of the episodes.

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  4. I’ve seen the 1971 film of The Go-Between but didn’t realise there were more modern versions, I’ll have to have a look after I’ve read it for my 10 books of summer! The Miniaturist is great, I hope you get round to it.

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  5. I didn’t think I would like The Queen’s Gambit, but my boyfriend loves chess and decided this would be our netflix binge show. We binged this show into the early morning hours (when it released on Netflix). He loved it so much, he ended up buying the book… let me just add, he is NOT a reader and he’s invested so far!

    I hope you love all these books when you read them.

    Have a great day!

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  6. Oddly, it was during the 2020 lockdown that I actually bought books and read them immediately. I can think of three off the top of my head that were mailed to me and then I read them.


  7. I’m guilty of buying books and then leaving them to gather dust – sometimes for years. When I do one of my periodic tidy up of the bookshelves I invariably find books I’d forgotten I had and also books that I wonder, in hindsight, why I ever bought them

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  8. The Gregory book sounds interesting. I’m not sure why she’d be surprised about a lack of women in the Bayeux Tapestry, though….it was about the Norman conquest of England, and so would be soldier-heavy. My list is here, if you are interested. 🙂


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