The Tudor Crown by Joanna Hickson

The early life of Henry VII

Harper Collins|31 May 2018|544 pages|e-book |Review copy|4*

6 thoughts on “The Tudor Crown by Joanna Hickson

  1. You’ve hit on something so important in historical fiction, Margaret: the mix of fact and fiction. It’s sometimes quite tricky to get that balance right, and it’s good to know that Hickson does. And what an interesting subject, too. I always like to learn when I read, and it sounds as though there’s plenty to learn here. Glad you enjoyed this.

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  2. This sounds interesting. I also don’t know anything about Margaret Beaufort but her name comes up a lot on the blogs of historical fiction and history fans. I know a little more about Henry, but not much! I love your bookshelf header pic, btw. Please tell me it’s newish – I’ll be so embarrassed if it’s been there for years and I’ve just suddenly noticed it… 😉

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  3. I’m reading this now and enjoying it so far. I love this period of history and both Henry and Margaret are much more likeable in this book than in others I’ve read. I don’t personally agree with Joanna Hickson regarding Richard III, but it does seem that every author has a different theory about that!


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