20 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – The Mouse Police*

    1. Yes, well sometimes she catches things and brings them inside alive to play with them and they get away – and they’re running round the house!


  1. Ah, cat’s. You know, if I’d only seen the first one I would have thought he/she had found the nicest part in the garden to take a break!

    Happy WW!


  2. We don’t have a cat although we do have a bobcat that occasionally visits, looking not for mice but birds and packrats. We have seen it crouch and attack, but never be successful, which just amazes me! They are so graceful and quick!


    1. I’d have thought a bobcat would be even better at hunting than a cat! She has caught birds and rabbits too – horrible creature.


  3. Most of the cats I have lived with over the past 28 years have been useless hunters but I used to have a sort-of Maine Coon called Hercules (or Herk the Berk when he used to jump onto a windowledge at high speed and sail off the other end taking everything with him because he had furry paws) who had the habit of catching mice and then leaving their headless corpses just outside the back door. I’m afraid that I ended up putting them in the bin because there were just too many too often to bury them all!
    the only time he brought a live one into the house, it had either the sense or the luck to dive into my son’s shoebag that was on the floor when Hercules looked away for a second, and I managed to get it outside without him noticing!


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