Musing Monday – New Authors

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about new authors€¦ monday-musing

 What is your policy when it comes to new authors? Do you feel comfortable purchasing a book or do you prefer to borrow new authors from the library? How often do you ‘try out’ a new author?

I like reading books by “brand new” authors – the first book display in the library is usually the first place I look for books. I don’t have a policy about new authors – many authors are “new” to me in any case and I’ll happily read a book by an author I haven’t read before if the book appeals to me.

I’m trying to cut down on buying books this year because I’ve got so many unread books of my own, so the library is the place I look for “new” authors. So far this year I’ve read 18 books and 11 of those are by “new to me” authors.

8 thoughts on “Musing Monday – New Authors

  1. I too am taking this year to try to read the books I already own. Boy is it hard not to keep buying, but I’m doing fairly well. I love to look for new-to-me authors too.


  2. I’m trying to buy more new books this year (than in previous years), to support the industry (both publishing and independent booksellers). In balance, many more library books too, because they will go back and live on other shelves, plus the usual number of second-hand and remaindered and of course the books I already own that haven’t been read yet.

    I keep reminding myself that if I never acquired another book, I could still have enough to read for years and years. And years.


  3. I totally relate to having more than enough books just sitting here waiting for me to read them! But then why do I keep looking for more? It is a sickness, perhaps!


  4. awww…if you have so many unread books, why are you looking at the library?
    Just curious, so I can justify the same thing myself. lol


  5. There are far too many books in this house and guess where I have been today, yes you ‘re right — the library!


  6. Beth, the only way for me not to buy books is not to go into bookshops. But it’s more diffcult to avoid buying on line.
    Susan I shall probably never run out of unread books.
    Jenners I wish I knew the answer!
    Caite what a good question. I wonder why too, but I think it’s because I always have borrowed books – it’s a habit and a very enjoyable one too. Or as Jenners wonders is it a sickness?
    Mog – I’m sure we’re not the only ones.


  7. I have got to read more of the books I own pile! I tend to read the library books because of the time limit and can’t leave the library without taking something home! Its a wonderful vicious circle.


  8. I too have been trying reduce by book purchasing in order to read more of the books I own. But, that shelf at the library that is full of new books foils those plans. I love that shelf. I have been quite lucky that last few weeks. I keep finding books that are already on my TBR list and feel compelled to check them out, which keeps me from reading my own books!


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