Teaser Tuesdays

a4d0a-teaser2btuesdaynewShould Be Reading – Miz B – hosts this weekly event. Pick a couple of sentences from the book you’re currently reading (without spoilers, of course) to entice you to read the book.

I’m still reading Suite Française by Irène Némirovsky. This week’s teaser sentences are from page 169 (which is exactly where I am in the book). It’s over two sentences but I wanted to quote the whole passage:

I desperately want the insanity we’re living through to end. I desperately want what has begun to finish. In a word, I desperately want this tragedy to be over and for us to try to survive it, that’s all. What’s important is to live: Primum vivere. One day at a time. To survive, to wait, to hope.


4 thoughts on “Teaser Tuesdays

  1. I read this book a couple of years ago. I have a review on my blog somewhere too. I had mixed feelings about it. Parts were brilliant and other parts I was bored by. I wish she had lived to keep on writing–I did want to know what happened to all her characters.


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