Reading and my Favourite Books in 2007

I thought I’d see how many different types of books I’d read this year, so here are a few figures:

Total number of books read: 98

  • Fiction: 88
  • Non-Fiction: 10
  • Books re-read: 2 (I was surprised as I thought I’d read more re-reads)
  • Different books by authors whose books I’ve read before: 14
  • Books borrowed from the library: 52 (thank goodness for libraries)
  • Books borrowed from family/friends: 4 (and for family and friends)

Favourite books 2007

I read so many good books last year that it’™s very difficult to decide which are my favourites. I tried to rate them as I read them but even so I gave nearly half of them the highest rating. I suppose that’™s not so surprising as I don’™t carry on reading a book that I don’™t enjoy.

My favourite book has to be Jenny Diski’™s On Trying to Keep Still. I wrote about it here.

As for the rest I don’™t really like to single any out one more than others but the following books stand out in my mind. I can’™t limit them to 10 and I’™ve listed them in alphabetical author order, as I can’™t decide between them:

Margaret Atwood ‘“ Moral Disorder
Alan Bennett ‘“ Four Stories
Ariana Franklin ‘“ Mistress of the Art of Death
Jane Gardam ‘“ Old Filth
Joanne Harris ‘“ Gentlemen and Players
Mary Lawson ‘“ Crow Lake
Linda Olsson ‘“ Astrid and Veronika
Mollie Panter-Downes ‘“ One Fine Day
Philip Pullman ‘“ His Dark Materials (three books)
Philip Reeve ‘“ Here Lies Arthur
C J Sansom – Sovereign
Wallace Stegner ‘“ The Angle of Repose and Crossing to Safety

I must mention D H Lawrence too. I read two of his books as part of the Outmoded Authors Challenge. He shouldn’t be considered “outmoded” – Sons and Lovers and The Man Who Died are great stories.

All in all a fantastic year of reading.

8 thoughts on “Reading and my Favourite Books in 2007

  1. Your last sentence says it all. A fantastic year of reading. I’m going to try to read the Pullman books this year and Crow Lake is one of my favorites as well.


  2. I loved Crow Lake, have you read The Other side of the bridge? It is rally good too.I loved the Pullman books I’m planning to re-read them this year. Shame the film wasn’t great.


  3. Kay, Mary Lawson was a new author to me and a great find. The Pullman books are really good.Alix, I haven’t read The Other side of the Bridge yet – it’s on my tbr list (along with lots of other books). I haven’t seen The Golden Compass and am not sure I want to – is it worth seeing?


  4. I enjoyed looking at your wrap-up for 2007. I have Moral Disorder on my list for this year. I’m glad to see you enjoyed it. I find choosing “best” books difficult, as well, and for the same reason. I don’t finish a book that I don’t like. There are just too many great ones begging to be read!


  5. I’d like to get my hands on something by Jenny Diski as I’ve heard so many good things. I will likely have to break down and order from the UK. I also loved the Joanne Harris book! And there are several on your list that I’d like to read this year as well.


  6. Nice! Uncommon Reader was my first Alan Bennett. I really enjoyed it so will have to look up Four Stories since it is among your favorites for the year.


  7. I’d like to read Jenny Diski — I’ve really enjoyed her blog and think I’d like her books too. I’ll have to try harder to get my hands on her work!


  8. What great books! I would love to read that Jenni Diski, and the Jane Gardam as well (I’m a big fan of her work). My husband has just sped through all of the Philip Pullman books, and I’m waiting for my son to finish his latest reading in the hope we can do them together.


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